Friday, March 30, 2018

Looking Skeptically - April 1st is fast approaching

I saw an ominous post on my twitter feed this morning:  Chinese Space Station Likely to Crash this Weekend.  According to the tweet Tiangong-1 is "space junk" that may be re-entering the atmosphere.  I was wondering if this may be a April 1st joke?

I looked for a confirmation on the satellite tracking page Satview link to Tiangong-1.

The crash seems legit, and according to the Satview site will probably break up over the Atlantic Ocean.  Although this tweet appears accurate I'm cautiously optimistic that there is nothing to worry about.  Nearly 75% of our planets surface is water so most "space junk" that makes it to the surface is likely to land somewhere other than on top of me!

Just the same I've learned before that there are a lot of satellites orbiting Earth - and that is something I think about from time to time - check out the image at the post below to see just how much "suff" is orbiting our planet.