Sunday, October 29, 2017

Deer Season Update from the DNR

As many of you know, I have enjoyed deer hunting each fall with my family members since I was a teenager.  I appreciated the visit from Hannah Schauer, the DNR biologist who informed us about the management of game animals during her presentation at New Lothrop last week. Along with Hannah's visist, a video from the DNR on YouTube caught my interest so I shared it below.

 I have pasted the links that Hannah Schauer provided to guide student investigations in the space below:

Wildlife reports:,4570,7-153-10363_48664---,00.html

2016 Bear hunter harvest report:
2016 Deer harvest report:
Bear Management Plan:
Deer Management Plan:
Deer Management Unit information used to make management decisions – summary for our area:
Find information on any deer management unit here:,4570,7-153-10363_10856-428859--,00.html )

For life history information on different species, this is a good online resource to use:
For bird life history information, I’d recommend this site:
Examples of some citizen science projects your students could participate in that help inform management decisions here in Michigan:
Hannah offered her assistance and provided her contact information in case we have any frther questions.

Hannah Schauer
Communications & Education Coordinator
DNR Wildlife Division